Wednesday, June 4, 2008

First Impressions

здраво! ('Hello' in Serbian). I've arrived in one piece to the Balkans- was an exhausting trip but it's invigorating to be here. We arrived in Zagreb, Croatia yesterday afternoon and had a chance to explore some of the beautiful old European city before it poured on us later in the evening. After getting a restful night's sleep we set off for the 2-3 hour drive to Banja Luka this morning, crossing the border into Bosnia. (by the way, border crossings/customs in this part of the world are extremely fast and convenient- all they do is stamp your passport and wave you through-- compare that to the U.S.). While my Mom participated in some important meetings with the Bosnian government, my Dad and I got a chance to explore the city with a local guide. So far I actually like Bosnia even more than Croatia. The people, the cities and towns, the mountains... all incredible. Banja Luka is less overwhelming then sprawling Zagreb and there are some nice sights to see including an extensive Roman fort. Also, the history of Bosnia which I've begun to learn over the past few days is fascinating, and although the conflict during the 90's was devastating, the country certainly has the potential for a great future.

I had an adventure seeking out a power adapter for my computer charger earlier tonight, having to go to three stores and desperately asking a dozen employees if they spoke any English or could otherwise help me find the adapter. Thankfully I eventually got the said item and have since promised myself to memorize essential Serbian/Croat phrases for the remainder of the trip. There are very few foreigners and very few English-speakers in this part of the world- at least when I traveled to Latin America I knew the local language...

Now I am sitting in a hotel room which luckily has internet access- not sure how much I'll have when we get to Sarajevo in a few days. Well after spending my first full day in Europe I'm ready to call it a night and crash...I'll close with a few photos and (hopefully) write again soon.

Main Catholic Cathedral in Zagreb (it's under renovation)

The Banja Luka fort.
The connection is pretty limited here so hopefully I can post more later.

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