Saturday, June 14, 2008

Arrived in Dubrovnik

We just got into Dubrovnik along the Adriatic a few hours ago after a full day of travel from Sarajevo. We are staying in a nice apartment right in old town- we actually had to walk a couple blocks because they don't allow any cars into the old town as the streets are just too narrow. Anyway not much to report on Dubrovnik as we haven't explored it too much as of yet. All I can say is that it is NOT Bosnia- it is full of tourists and waaaaaay expensive. I'm glad we're not staying too long.

The last few days in Sarajevo were pretty relaxed. We went to Bledinje Nature Park on Thursday, whose main attraction was two 2,000 meter peaks surrounding a massive, stunning, mostly uninhabited valley. There is a ski area there but practically nobody visits the park in the summer and that's a shame because along with Sutjeska (park I mentioned earlier) this is one of the most beautiful spots in Bosnia.

We were going to go rafting on Friday but decided to cancel due to the cool, rainy weather (it's actually rained all but one day on the twelve days of the trip so far). So we ended up just exploring more of Sarajevo, going to some of the museums we missed on Wednesday. They were mostly not that interesting/lacked good English explanations for their exhibits, but I learned some more great history of Bosnia. Factoid of the day: It was in Sarajevo where Gavrillo Princip shot Franz Ferdinand and his wife in 1914, sparking the First World War (a war which went on to kill 20 million people and indirectly led to World War II as well).

Today we got up early for the long trip to Dubrovnik. We did get to spend a few hours in Mostar, one of the few areas in Bosnia which does get a bunch of tourists. Its main attraction is a beautiful old 450 year-old stone bridge (destroyed in the recent war but rebuilt using the same ancient methods in 2004).

Nearby in Blegaj, where a large river gushes out of a tremendous cliff next to an old Dervish Monastery.

I know I promised photos and I WILL get around to posting a few of them soon, probably tomorrow. It is late now and I need some sleep!

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