Saturday, July 12, 2008


There are times when people have legitimate reasons to trash companies for bad tech support. But I feel it is my duty to honor a company that has far exceeded all my expectations for excellent all-around support.

Last year up at school I had a bit of a problem with my cheap Dell printer (I think they actually paid me something like 20 dollars to get it with my computer). Well maybe it wasn't just a bit of a problem. It actually kind of caught fire.

Needless to say, I was quite concerned. So I called up Dell asking them what they could do for me. I couldn't really understand the guy on the other end of the line. Sometimes I couldn't tell if he was even speaking English. By the end, all I could really make out was "No problem sir, no problem. I will handle everything!". I thanked him and hung up with little faith I could get it fixed, so I resolved to look for another ridiculously cheap printer as soon as possible. But only two days later a surprise package showed up for me at the mail center. A brand new printer. Free. Sent overnight from Dell HQ. I was happy.

Just over a year later, my laptop decided it had enough. It started complaining about its case being opened and closed on a daily basis, and one of its hinges gave out. Ouch. I can't take a laptop to Chile that has its electronic guts spilling out. So on a whim I called Dell to ask how much pain, suffering, and money I would have to go through to get it fixed. Turns out I had some sort of warranty I had never known about, still in effect. I called them on a Monday evening to report the issue. Tuesday morning I get a pleasant wake-up call from my local Dell technician. He was ready to make an appointment! And the next day my laptop had a brief surgical operation and is now as good as new.

Dell is my hero.

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